ZW GI TO ISO is a convenient free tool to help you build an ISO image out of a series of GI (Global Image) files.
GI files are nothing but the result of splitting an ISO image into smaller files for easy distribution. This tool puts all the files together, in the order you specified, and re-builds the original ISO file using its original name or the name assigned by yourself .
This operation can also be easily performed directly from a command line by using the “copy” command, but ZW GI TO ISO just makes it a bit easier for you. Thus, it offers you a clear interface with two simple ways of concatenating your GI files - automatic and manual. The first one will search for all the GI files in your system, while the second one will allow you to select them manually. When using the automatic option, the program will check the integrity of the GI files selected, and will only create the corresponding ISO when all files are properly recognized as valid. The manual process, however, will virtually put together any number of files you select with the .GI extension.
Either way, this tool will efficiently generate an ISO file that you can then easily burn into CD or DVD with any of the burning tools out there that support this image format.